Monday, July 8, 2013



Lately it would seem that communication is lacking, inaccurate or simply not shared. So I am taking the horse by the reins and steering this steed in a new direction -- down information highway!

Reporting from JetBlue airways NY bound

"The Growth"
As you all know Grandma in England went in for surgery on the 8th July to remove some kind of growth from her neck. I say "some kind" because our highly paid and educated doctors don't know what it is! I think I hear this more than anything lately - its surprising how much we still don't know.
With that being said they have removed this "growth" from mum, her recovery is going well and she should be home hopefully by tomorrow.
The removed growth is being sent off to a lab for a biopsy where hopefully they can identify what it is … more to follow on this later as I find out more.
We're all thinking of you Grandma, hope you are feeling better soon xxxxx

"The Baby"
Congratulations to Rob and Kiki as we welcome baby Katherine Mae Black to the clan!
6lbs  13oz 20in
Kiki was induced on the 4th July 8am, broke her water at 10:30, and at 5:30pm the baby was here - talk about a text book maneuver!
Kiki is recovering nicely and should be back home in the next few days.
Everyone says shes a very quiet baby .... long may it last!

"The Future flight attendant"
So Auntie Kelly has started training with British Airways in a long and intense 6 week course.
She started the last week of June and after a stressful start (read as British Airways being disorganized!) has passed her 1st set of exams with flying colors! Well done
Auntie Kelly we are all so proud of you! Keep up the good work :)
After she is done with training she will be on the Airbus A380 and the Boeing Dreamliner - 2 gigantic airplanes, doing transatlantic flying!
She has a few days off during training so her and a few other girls are going apartment/crash pad shopping! With the real estate being so expensive in London, having room mates is the only option.
Fun Factoid --- British Airways had 12,000 applicants and hired only 800!
More to follow as the training continues ….

"The Blacks and Fulks"
All is quiet on the Ohio front as far as I know, except Nancy is now a grandma to another little baby - little Katherine. Im sure there is lots of clucking and cooing going on!
Todd is working out of town and I saw something on Facebook about Rebecca being in Vermont.
I think that may be for work purposes, but I'm not 100% sure.

"The Clarke Clan"
Rachel went up to Ohio to see the new addition to the family - needless to say she is very happy to be an Auntie - I can almost hear those eggs dropping from here!
Oliver came back from Ohio with a fever and lovingly passed it to Charlotte who has in turn shared it with her mummy!
Im pleased to say Oliver is back at school today, but Rachel had to take the day off to look after Charlotte until she is fever free for at least 24 hours, which I'm told will be by tomorrow.
Both Oliver and Charlotte are doing great in school. Im sure you have all seen the videos Rachel has posted to the chronicles over the last few months.
Rachels work is as hectic as ever. Unfortunatly her aspirations of becoming a trainer for the American Red Cross have taken a step back due to management and company changes, however possible opportunities knock on the horizon … updates to come as they unfold.


Lastly, yours truly …. Well I've been with Jetsuite about 3 months now and am still trying to figure things out. When your working its a very fast paced, stressful environment with some very challenging flying with less pay.
At the moment I have to commute to West Palm beach Florida at the beginning of my rotation which is a pain, but having a schedule is wonderful!
It may seem benign to most to know what days you work and what days you have off, but my entire career I've been on call (with the exception of flying freight in my early days).
I hope to upgrade to captain within the next few months which will hopefully lighten the financial burden that is constantly on my mind.
As you all know Dad and I have a tradition of doing a "man-cation" once a year. This year we had planned to embark on our longest road trip yet to Yellowstone. However due to my new job and lack of vacation time we are pushing it back to 2014.
I hope to know my schedule for August in the coming days, so hopefully we can plan for him to come over for a week or so in August for some much needed laughs and camping!

Im still working on improvements to the Landcruiser for our epic trip in 2014 along with the trailer. Work has been slow going but I'm home on the 13th for 12 days so I intend to make some headway with it then.
I remember when we first moved from our 1 bedroom apartment in Nashville to our 2150sq ft house in Nashville. Rachel and I looked at each other and proclaimed "We are never going to need all this space!"
Now we have run out of room - isn't this always the case!!
The Clarke pad is bursting at the seems, so without further a due , I present …. "The addition!"

A 10x10x10 shed that we bought from Maurissa during her moving sale. OH YEAH!! Room for more shit!! -- We'll never fill that up! Pffft yeah right!!

To all our loyal Clarke Chronicle readers; Feel free to text or email me your news and I will add it to future Chronicle updates.
If I don't know, then I can't post, and I can't post what I don't know!


My email:
Phone: 407-617-9696

1 comment:

  1. Just got home from hospital surgery went well and they are happy with my recovery. Stitches out on monday 15th july and then back to work. Results of removed gland and tumour in about 3 weeks but they are pretty sure it's nothing ominous. Loved all the news and pictures doesn,t make us feel so far away. Lots of love to all clarkes, blacks and fulks fam from a sunny (today anyway!) united kingdom x
