Sunday, July 22, 2012



The day they decide that this video isn’t cool will be a sad day indeed.

Our little model

Good morning friends and loved ones.  Let me start by wishing a very Happy Birthday to my delightful, hilarious and devilishly handsome father-in-law!!  We love and miss you Grandad!!

We went to a birthday party yesterday.  Since Charlie Belle had an outfit that she needed to model from a booking request at Little Couture Models, we decided to kill two birds with one stone and let her wear the outfit to the party and take some pics there.  We snapped some shots before we left too.  Here is what we got.

Charlotte Clarke 1Charlotte Clarke 2Charlotte Clarke 3Charlotte Clarke 4Charlotte Clarke 5Charlotte Clarke 6Charlotte Clarke 7Charlotte Clarke 8

Did you all know about this modeling thing we submitted for her?  She’s gotten 5 booking requests since we put her on there. We got one yesterday for a “Doll and Me” set.  The lady is going to sew a matching outfit for Charlie and an 18inch doll.  I did some research on-line and refuse to pay $100+ for an American Girl Brand Doll for her to play with but I found several other brands that are comparable and should work out nicely.  The coolest thing about that booking request is that she’s going to name the outfit after her!!! (just a little proud here)

And, of course, we can’t forget our Big Brother who looked at these photos and told me, “I’m so handsome”.  teehee


He was right, of course!

Love and miss you all!

Oh – A parcel came in the mail yesterday and we’re very lucky that there was a note saying, “no peeking” on it because I didn’t even associate it with my birthday and was about to open it!! Not to worry, though.  It’s tucked away now waiting 1 more week.  Aaaaaaand I found a card from my parents in the big tub of clothes that arrived on Friday.  So, THANKS everyone!

Becca told me yesterday, 150 more sleeps til Wolfsong!  Woohoo!!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Two in the clean plate club!!

We had two happy plates at lunch time. So we have two little Clarke's in the clean plate club!  Woohoo

Trip to the dentist

We went to the dentist on Thursday.  It went well. Oliver didn't get upset until the very end. His teeth look good and they said we shouldn't worry about the color. That some baby teeth just form that shade and it's not an indication that something is wrong.

We had to take Charlotte's binky. The dentist says it's actually forming the shape of her jaw. It's bucking her top teeth and crowding her lowers. So Thursday night we cut a hole in her binky and she yelled for ages trying to figure out what was wrong. Last night she took one look at it and threw it at me. :-)  So I guess we're done with that.

Sunday, July 1, 2012