Thursday, November 26, 2009

The Morning after

Well yesterday was the big birthday bash! HUUUUGE thanks to the fam and Kat, Ris and Danielle for coming to the party. We had a blast. PD didn't thrash his cake nearly as badly as we thought he would. Aunt B gave him a cupcake earlier in the day and he had it EVERYWHERE. But as soon as we gave him his ducky cake the paparazzi showed up and I think he got a little stage fright. :-)
Still, we had lots of yummy food and he received wonderful gifts from everyone. I'm so grateful that he is loved by all.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Well today is PDs birthday. I woke up about 4 times last night thinking, "I was in labor this time last year!!"

We're all set up for the party. We've had about 5 of the 8 people who were coming either text or e-mail yesterday and today to say that they weren't going to make it. BOOOO to them. Oh well, whacha gonna do? The fam will be here.

Here is a video of PD dancing to Shakira

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Busy busy busy

Sug and I are home. We've had a wonderful lazy day here at the house just hanging out. We were going to go and get Peeds tomorrow but he's decided to stay in Ohio until Friday and he'll just ride down here with his aunt B when she gets off of work. He won't even get home until bedtime so we won't get to see him until Saturday. We're going to go to a belated Guy Fawkes celebration on Saturday and then Cas and Gary are coming to visit on Sunday. I can't believe it's already almost time for them to be here. Yaaaay

We took a few more strides towards being ready for the birthday bash. We've decided on nuggets and tots for the kiddos. I think we're just going to lay a floor covering downstairs and let them go crazy doing whatever they want. That's probably the easiest way to handle it. We can bring all of the goodies downstairs and we'll just have that one room to clean afterwards.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Separated again

Well, once again, Sug, PD and I are separated. Sug is at home, I'm in St. Louis and PD is in Ohio with the Grands. Just a few more sleeps until we're back together. PD and I are having dinner with Friends on Saturday evening so I'm going to have to get him earlier than I normally would. But we have to get back because they fly out of Nashville at 6:40 am on Sunday morning.

PD went to a Birthday party on Saturday and it looked like he had a pretty good time. Becca send pics but they're from her phone and they're a little blury. I'll post pics if I get some from anyone else at the party who had a camera.

We're now counting down the days until Cas and Gary's arrival. EXCITING STUFF!!