Saturday, June 29, 2013

Eating raisins from England

Snacking on raisins from England after the birthday party.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Swim lessons

Earlier this week during Oliver’s swim lessons they asked us to change our class time so that he could move up to the beginner strokes class.  I wasn’t able to work my schedule around the change so they kept him in the beginner class and just worked with him on swimming.

He is AWESOME!!!

Here he is diving for rings.  9.5 feet down to the bottom of the pool and he gathered 13 this time.  Smile

I know that we’ve all had a part in making him the person that he has become.  His swimming instructors mentioned several times that he is the happiest kid they’ve ever worked with.  Open-mouthed smile

We all know how clever he is, but he wanted to show you all how well he writes his letters.  His penmanship is already better than his Mummy’s.  (Somewhere around D Charlotte starts singing the alphabet from the other room.  Pump up the volume and listen to her cheer for herself when she finishes... so funny)
Aaaand finally, I understand that there was some trouble viewing the video of Charlie-Belle pole dancing at the water park the other day.  Sadly I wasn’t able to capture the best dance moves using the pole, but I got a few.  Her brother was far to busy in the middle of all of the action for me to be able to capture him on video.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Charlie Belle at Nashville shores

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

They aren't crackers, they're art.

This week in school the kids are learning about bees. Oliver made this beehive as part of his lesson.  When we got home Charlotte picked it up and said, "ooooh, I love your crackers." To which Oliver replied, "thank you 'Charble' but they aren't crackers,  they're art."

Monday, June 24, 2013

Friday, June 7, 2013

Last Day of Swim Class

I have no words

The week of June 24th he'll begin to learn how to do swimming strokes.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Another night at Casa de Clarke

Apparently Charlie Belle is taking her baby to the park

Oliver was concerned that there wasn't going to be anyone to sing me a song when I came downstairs to bed.  So he sang one for me.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Happy Birthday Grandma

Watch "Happy Birthday Grandma" on YouTube

Sorry its just one of them.  Our big brother wouldn't cooperate.  :-/

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Clean plate club

Popsicles after dinner and a walk