Sunday, June 17, 2012

Just another Sunday at the Clarke House

Here are some vids of the babies








Yup–she’s nearly naked

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Wally love

Me: Oli, would you please take your hands out of your pants and stop messing with Wally
Oli: but I'm just loving on him,  mommy.
Me: Well stop loving on him.
Oli:but I have to.  He's my friend and we love our friends and we're nice to them.

What am I supposed to say now?

Friday, June 15, 2012

Vids of the Clarke babies

So here is what’s been going on with us this week.  Remember you can visit if you can’t view the vids in the e-mail


There may be one more in a little while if I can get it to load Smile