Wednesday, December 29, 2010

A new development

For those of you not “in the know”, we’re potty training intensely now.  We go to Donna’s in underwear each day and it’s going ok.  Apparently Peeds has learned how to stop the flow.  So he’ll get on the potty and make enough to be able to get off then go in the next room and hide in the corner and finish.  I’m not sure exactly what he thinks he’s accomplishing by doing that, it Donna assures me that it won’t be long until he is tired of having it all over him and as a result, he’ll start making sure he does it all in the potty.  We’re deferring to her expertise.


We’re not sure if it’s the right thing to do or not, but we reward him for doing really well.  The following clip is after I gave him a “Chwockett” Christmas tree ornament for holding his pee in all the way from Donnas and going in the potty once we made it home.  Yaaay Peeds.

Next week Charlotte starts at Donna’s as well. Sad smile  I’m sure going to miss being with her each day.  She’s still sleeping in her playyard bassinet beside of our bed.  Donna plans to move Reese and Oliver to toddler cots on Monday so we got him a sleeping bag for his cot and let him try it out.


It’s actually a really cute idea.  The pillow is a dog and the bag part rolls up into the dog.  Aaaaaaaaand he actually laid in it for a few minutes.

My mom and dad have said that they’re going to come down and keep the kids on New Year’s Eve.  I have no idea what we’re going to do but we’re excited to have the chance to go out together without the kids.  Open-mouthed smile

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Cabin fever?? Not us!!

So we’ve basically spent the last three days at home and have been having such a good time.  Our kiddos are so precious!

Here are a few pics and vids



Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Day 2010

My new camping fridge!!

Peeds in his box!

Enough toys to start a small store!

Smiling at her big brother

mmmm gel mats for the kitchen floor!

Olivers Cars backpack


Cookies and carrots for Santa Xmas Eve!

So our little family at 1175 have just finished opening pressies ... we want to say a big THANK YOU to everyone for all our wonderful gifts!

Oliver made out like a bandit this year as can be seen in the attached pictures!
Despite this he managed to find a large cardboard box to play in which kept him entertained for at least 2 hours!
Charlotte slept most of the morning which gave us a chance to act like a couple of kids under the tree!
If only we had a the metabolism of a child, then perhaps all this chocolate wouldnt hurt so bad!!!

We hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!

Love you all xxx

Monday, December 20, 2010

Heading back to Nashville. Thank heavens for snacks and Mary Poppins.

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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Clever Peeds

Here is a little video we took last night of Peeds practicing the sounds that his letters make while he was in the tub.  There is even a little surprise that he threw in their for your viewing pleasure.


Today Charlotte had jet two month check up. She weighs 10 lbs 11 oz and is 23 inches long. That puts her in the 50th percentile for weight and the 90th for height. She also got four vaccines by way of two jabs. Booooo! I hate that part. She's such a brave girl though. :-)

Monday, December 13, 2010

Oliver’s Favorite Show

Peeds most favorite show to watch on TV is called Team UmiZoomi.  It’s about these three little characters who zip around a place called Umi City using math skills to solve their friends’ problems.

We’ve downloaded a few episodes through Amazon because it’s the only place on earth that you can get your hands on them.  They haven’t even begun merchandising for the show so I can’t even get him a Teddy.  When he was sick yesterday, he spent most of the day in our bed watching his shows.  Here is a little clip.

Charlie has finally begun giggling but I haven’t been able to catch it on video yet.  Tomorrow is her two month check up with the doc.  I’ll post an update as soon as I have one.

Sug is still in the islands.  Originally he was supposed to be home tonight then they switched it to Tuesday and now the day is Wednesday.  Hopefully they don’t keep him any longer.  We’re traveling to Ohio on Thursday so that we can be there for Rob’s graduation from the Police Academy.

Tea in the zippy because he woke up and asked for "cuppy tea" :-)

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Sunday, December 12, 2010

The view from our front door

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Father Christmas stopped by yesterday

So we got home from the cookie exchange last night and Santa was on our doorstep.  Apparently he had a little chat with Cas and Gary about a gift for Sug.  You see, the three of them REALLY wanted Sug to have this one present but it was far too large and far to heavy for the reindeer to pull on Christmas Eve.  What to do?  Well, he decided to drop it off a bit early just to be sure that it is here for Sug on Christmas morning.  We just so happened to have an open space the size of three PDs right beside of the tree.  So now it’s sitting here… sealed up tight… no clue as to what it is… unable to be opened until Christmas. 

Rolling on the floor laughing




Sunday, December 5, 2010

Charlie is such a cutie

Charlie had her first bottle the other day.  I was pumping because she had over slept then she woke up MAD because she was so hungry.  So I just took what I had pumped and put it in a bottle for her.



Here are some pics of Charlie –just so cute!



And a vid of her right after her bath last night.  We washed her hair because we were supposed to go to a party today.  But Peeds has an icky cough and runny nose so we’re staying in.

Here is a pic of Oliver and Charlotte watching Oliver's favorite show. Team Umizoomi. He likes it even better than Elmo. :-)

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Saturday, December 4, 2010

Oliver’s Second Birthday

So last week was Oliver’s 2nd Birthday.  It just so happened to fall on Thanksgiving day.  Becca and Todd were in town for it.  We had originally expected Mom, Dad and Rob to come as well but in the end, they couldn’t make it. Sad smile


He loved all of his gifts that he received from everyone, especially the balloons and kitchen that he got from his Grandparents.  He continues to enjoy playing with both. 


Here are some photos from the morning of and a video of him blowing out his candles.

