Monday, August 27, 2012

Video post

Check out these fun vids from the last couple of weeks

4 and a half minutes of Charlie messing around in the bath.


Aaaand singing in the bath.  la la la la la la la la la lala la la la lala la lala la la

From the Pirate Treasure movie that they love



A video of Oli and I watching Charlie Belle on the monitor as she reads a book to her babies first thing in the morning.




Princess/Pirate night at Chick-fil-A in Hermitage last week


And finally, a little video of our treasure hunt when Sug took Oli camping last week.


Love you all!!

Second soccer practice

Oli had his second soccer practice tonight.  They gave the kids Pinnies and they played on teams.  Oli DID NOT grasp the concept.  Brace yourselves, Grandma’s.  These photos are a little emotional…


Monday, August 20, 2012

Our first soccer practice

So today was our first soccer practice and all in all I’d say it was pretty great.  Our coach, Jason, has never played soccer and never coached either.  We love that.  We’re all going to learn together.  The other parents were all very friendly and the children got along smashingly.


At the end of practice Oli told us the 4 rules of soccer.

1. Share

2. Kick the ball into the net

3. Kick the ball to a friend

4. Only use your feet

We had a good chuckle.  Oh and then he sang the Humpty Dumpty nursery rhyme and at the end told me, “Humpty Dumpty should have been more careful, mommy” 

Enjoy the photos and vids:





