Saturday, August 22, 2009

Another fun day at the beach

Today we took Kelly and PD to the beach at the Anderson Road Recreational Area. I think it's safe to say that everyone had a good time. PD got his time in the water. Sug and Kelly got their time annoying one another and I got to hang out with my friends which I haven't really gotten to do since I started working.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Another crazy week

Kelly made it in to town last night. I've hardly seen her at all because last night was also Pokeeno and I hadn't been able to make it to Pokeeno since April. We had pokeeno at Eller's. Her husband totally busted his butt playing the gracious host. We told Eller that if any of our husbands ever leave us she'd better "low jack" her man cuz we're coming after him. Naturally, none of us could be happier than we are now. BUT, if our men ever decide that THEY could be, then Eller had better watch her back. JK!!!

There are videos on facebook at the moment of us playing chase with PD. He has always loved being chased and thinks its so funny when Harley or Daddy follow us up the stairs. Now, he is initating chases on his own by crawling into the room, making eye contact, spinning around and sprint-crawling out of the room squealing. It's really funny, check out our vids on facebook because the one I tried to load on here of it didn't work.

Tomorrow Sug and Kelly are off to pick up Yota. FUUUUUUUUUN Roadtrip! Woot woot. I shall be packing up snacks tonight to get them ready for their voyage and I'm sure they'll be taking some roadtrip videos which I will post as soon as they give them to me. My weekend is packed as well. Birthday party tomorrow and then Maurisa is coming to spend the night with Lori and myself tomorrow night followed by brunch the next morning and then Lori is moving to Austin. BOOOOO!!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Back from Ohio

We spent the weekend in Ohio with the fam. Oliver had a blast playing with his Aunt B and, as always, his Grandma and Grandpa doted on him.

We've spent the last couple of days putting everything away and getting ready for Kelly's big visit. It's gonna be awesome. This is the last sleep. I must say that I prefer these quick trips that we don't even have to count down to. My trip over in May was a quick one like this and it was like, "Hmmm I think I'll go to England" and BAM, I was there. Same with Bird. She sat there and said, "I have a few weeks off, I think I'll go to America" and she'll be here this time tomorrow. Definitely the way to travel.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

great. I'm in orientation all week but I'm ready to get started on the job.
I'll post pics of Oliver's new tooth as soon as he'll let me. He's spent monday and tuesday with a babysitter and she loves him. The new job is going
I've been trying to get a new computer all week. For some reason I'm not able to surf when I'm connected wirelessly. I plan to call geek squad tonight.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Moving right along

Oliver is getting better and better at his rendition of a crawl. He keeps getting up on all fours so maybe in a few weeks he'll have the "proper" crawl technique down.