Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Baby love

Peeds loves his little...

Friday, April 23, 2010

Breakfast with Teddy

This morning when he woke Peeds insisted on grabbing up his teddy before he would come down for breakfast. So Teddy came to breakfast and stayed for some clementines.

Just walking through the park

Walking aimlessly through the park

Also, PDs nanny has started a blog http://msdonnasplace.blogspot.com/

Check it out and follow it if you're interested.

Just swinging in the park


Off to the park

Here are some pics of PD at the Park. I'd love to show you action shots but he seemed to prefer the bench the most. :-)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

A trip to the Dam

Today we took Peeds to the Dam to feed the ducks but he was more interested in playing in the water than feeding the ducks. He had a great time, though. Jumped right into the lake. We're going to have to give him swimming lessons because he just can't be trusted around water. :-)

Monday, April 12, 2010

Back to normal

I met Mom in Bardstown yesterday to pick up Peeds. He grew quite a bit in the week that he was there. At least, he seems to weigh A LOT more than he did when I took him up last weekend. If you've missed it so far, check out the video that Becca put on Facebook. It's just Peeds gurgling and talking but Sug and I watched it about 5 times.

No real developments of late. Everything you put on his plate he fans and says, "Hot". I'm not really sure where that came from. He's a holy terror if you try to bring him inside when he's been outside playing. He loooooooves outside. We got him a little octopus that sprays water out of the top of its head. We'll post pics as soon as we take some.

Sug worked overnight last night. It's the first time he's had to do that. Poor guy. He's on his way home now. We're just waiting for him to get here then I'm going to take Peeds to Ms. Donna's and work from the kitchen while Sug sleeps.

I'm feeling much better. The morning sickness has all but passed. I feel icky a few times a week but I can manage it, for the most part. I even went all day yesterday without a nap. Yay me!