Monday, December 13, 2010

Oliver’s Favorite Show

Peeds most favorite show to watch on TV is called Team UmiZoomi.  It’s about these three little characters who zip around a place called Umi City using math skills to solve their friends’ problems.

We’ve downloaded a few episodes through Amazon because it’s the only place on earth that you can get your hands on them.  They haven’t even begun merchandising for the show so I can’t even get him a Teddy.  When he was sick yesterday, he spent most of the day in our bed watching his shows.  Here is a little clip.

Charlie has finally begun giggling but I haven’t been able to catch it on video yet.  Tomorrow is her two month check up with the doc.  I’ll post an update as soon as I have one.

Sug is still in the islands.  Originally he was supposed to be home tonight then they switched it to Tuesday and now the day is Wednesday.  Hopefully they don’t keep him any longer.  We’re traveling to Ohio on Thursday so that we can be there for Rob’s graduation from the Police Academy.

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