Last night, it happened. The moment that Mom and Cas (MIL) both said would come. As PD and I sat Skyping with Sug, PD started to fuss. We had a really good day yesterday so I figured there was an actual issue. I gave him a sniff and sure enough, he needed a change. We went up to his room and laid a diaper beneath him like we always do and proceeded to open him up.
OMG! I have no idea where all of that stuff came from because the kid has not been eating properly. He refuses anything by spoon. He used to only refuse the spoon in the morning but would eat dinner. Now he'll take about 3 bites and then wants to do it himself. Anyway, if he's refusing things by spoon then he's getting by on what he can pick up and feed himself and that's not a whole lot. So where did all of that poo come from?! Who knows. It was everywhere. Luckily we use cloth diapers so it didn't get out.
Still, It had gotten all over his diaper cover and worked it's way to the front and as soon as I opened the diaper I think it started to multiply like Gremlins!!! I decided to just put him in the bath cuz a wipey wasn't going to cut it. So I wrapped him in the clean diaper which was now covered in poo anyway and we went to the bathroom. I sat him on the toilet and ran a little bath and sat him in it. He was very entertained by all of the little bits of poo floating around in the tub and it was all I could do to keep him from playing with them.
After I got him out of the tub I used the toilet shower to rinse off the tub, toilet, both diapers and the cover and then cleaned the toilet, floor, side of the tub, sink and myself with clorox wipes. It was INSANE!!
Poor sug just sat all alone on skype while I did all of this because he thought it was just going to be a quick change.
Today is my last day as a SAHM. So PD and I are off to the library with some friends to see Cinderella again and I'm not sure how we're going to spend the rest of the day.
I'm still not sure who he is going to stay with on Monday. I have spoken with 3 different people. As soon as Marsha lets me know if she wants to come out here, I'll have a plan. If she doesn't, he'll go to Danielle's until Sug gets home then Sug will keep him.
I have a confession to make! We have never had a diaper blow out! I know it's crazy since Kingston's 16 months old and I'm probably jinxing us right now but it's never happened. We had leaky (pee) early on but never a blow out and we use cheap latex free Wal-Mart diapers because of the latex allergy!